
A Pre-doctoral Fellowship

in bio-computational is available
at Computational Biochemistry group at University Jaume I.

  Candidates must have finished a Master degree (or have passed 60 credits)
to be enrolled in a doctorate program at Universitat Jaume I when signing the contract.

Interested candidates must contact Dr. Katarzyna Świderek: swiderek@uji.es

Proyecto: “Unravelling the Reaction and Inhibition Mechanism of Proteasome 20S and Rhomboid Protease
by QM/MM Theoretical Methods: Two Bio-Macromolecules Involved in Cancer Proliferation”
Referencia SEJI/2020/007. Código: 20I170. Entidad financiadora: Generalitat Valenciana

The published call is available HERE. Deadline for application : October 14th, 2020 



Prof. Vicent Moliner
e-mail address: moliner@uji.es
room number: TC1219DD
phone number: +34 964 728 084
fax number: +34 964 728 066

Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, 
Ciencia y Tecnologia, Universitat Jaume I
Avenida de Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n, 
12071 Castellon, Spain
